State Zionist Council Solidarity Rally
SPEECH TO “STATE ZIONIST COUNCIL SOLIDARITY RALLY” 1.00PM MONDAY, 25 JUNE 2007 MELBOURNE GPO Almost a year ago, I was honoured to stand here with you in support of Israel.…
SPEECH TO “STATE ZIONIST COUNCIL SOLIDARITY RALLY” 1.00PM MONDAY, 25 JUNE 2007 MELBOURNE GPO Almost a year ago, I was honoured to stand here with you in support of Israel.…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria) (11.27 a.m.)-I also rise to speak on the Schools Assistance (Learning Together-Achievement Through Choice and Opportunity) Amendment (2007 Budget Measures) Bill 2007. This bill delivers on the…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria) (3.20 p.m.)-On Monday I commended Senator Faulkner on the quality and consistency of his confected outrage, but I think Senator Wong has now just eclipsed Senator Faulkner.…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria) (3.21 p.m.)-We have just seen an example of Senator Faulkner’s confected outrage. It is a skill that he has honed to a fine art in the Senate…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria) (10.41 p.m.)-In February this year I rose in the adjournment debate to lament the political demise of the member for Isaacs, Ms Ann Corcoran. Ms Corcoran, as…