24 November 2009
Senator Fifield, Coalition spokesperson for Disabilities and Carers, has welcomed the announcement that the concept of a National Disability Insurance Scheme will be referred to the Productivity Commission for Inquiry.
The level of support a person with a disability in Australia receives can depend on a number of factors. What state they live in, whether the disability is congenital or was acquired and, if acquired, whether it was in the workplace, a motor vehicle accident or some other context. The result is that many people with a disability are left without the assistance they need.
“The idea of a national scheme that moves to a support system based on need rather than rationing is worthy of examination. Australians with a disability should be supported properly regardless of how they acquired their disability.
“I congratulate the disability sector, carers, advocacy groups and families, championed by Bruce Bonyhady, who came together to campaign and highlight the current inequity.
“I am delighted their hard work and commitment has been recognised.
“I hope the State and Territory Governments will also demonstrate their commitment to the sector and recognise there is a gap in the delivery of services
“It is somewhat disappointing, however, that the Commission has not been asked to report until July 2011, after the next election,” said Senator Fifield.
The Coalition supports the referral of the scheme to the Productivity Commission.