The Government and the Australian Greens today voted to block scrutiny of the carbon tax Bills in the Senate by refusing to allow the legislation to be considered by the Senate Legislation Committees.
“This is unprecedented,” Senator Fifield said today.
“Senate Legislation Committees play a crucial role in the scrutiny of bills put before Parliament.”
“To deny Senate Committees the ability to examine these Bills – which will bring into effect one of the biggest changes to the Australian economy – is completely appalling.”
“It is bad enough the government sought to evade the scrutiny of the Australian people on the carbon tax at an election. Now they are attempting to evade scrutiny in the Parliament.”
“It is highly unusual for Senate Committees to be blocked from scrutinising bills just because a Committee of the House or a Joint Committee is reviewing the same legislation. The Senate reserves its right as a house of review to undertake its own inquiries.”
“The composition of Senate Standing Committees reflect the makeup of the Australian Senate; the Government’s Joint Select Committee on the carbon tax legislation does not. It is stacked and its outcome is a foregone conclusion.”
“The Australian Labor Party and the Greens are subverting the Senate’s role as a house of review by vetoing examination of the carbon tax Bills by the Committees of the Senate,” Senator Fifield said.