The Government has given notice that tomorrow they will move a motion to guillotine debate on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) legislation in the Senate in order to give precedence to Senator Conroy’s proposed media laws.
The NDIS has bipartisan support, but is complex and important legislation that deserves the full scrutiny of the Senate.
The second reading debate is only partially completed and the committee stage where Coalition, Government, Greens and independent amendments will be moved and debated has yet to begin.
The Government’s motion (attached) would see the remaining second reading debate and the committee stage limited to an hour and fifteen minutes between 6.15pm and 7.30pm tomorrow.
If there is any legislation where debate should not be gagged it is the NDIS.
Gagging debate on this Bill is hardly in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation that should be a feature of the NDIS.
The Government are trying to gag the press through Senator Conroy’s proposed media laws and now the Prime Minister wants to gag debate on the NDIS.
The NDIS legislation should not be subordinate to the proposed media laws.
The millions of Australians with disability and the 1,600 people who made submissions to the Senate Community Affairs Committee inquiry into the NDIS Bill are entitled to see their views fully ventilated in the Senate.