26 November 2013
Outstanding achievements recognised at National Disability Awards
Twelve individuals and organisations were tonight recognised for their outstanding work to improve the lives of people with disability at this year’s National Disability Awards.
Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, congratulated the winners at a ceremony at Parliament House.
“This year’s field was exemplary, with many committed recipients whose work has helped improve the lives of Australians with disability and their families,” Senator Fifield said.
“Congratulations to the award recipients and all of the finalists who were recognised for the outstanding contributions they make to our community.”
Minister Fifield said the awards had been impressive this year, with more than 200 nominations received across the nine categories.
“This year we have seen people who have dedicated more than 30 years to supporting people with disabilities,” Minister Fifield said.
“We awarded emerging leaders who are pioneering attitude change both domestically and internationally.
“These individuals and businesses exemplify the benefits to all of helping people with disability take part in all aspects of social, economic and community life.”
Media outlets were also recognised for their significant contribution through the Yooralla Media Award of Distinction.
“I’d particularly like to acknowledge the winner of the Prime Minister’s Award for Outstanding Achievement, the late Lesley Hall. Lesley was an outstanding leader, a formidable advocate for people with disability, a strong advocate for the NDIS and a member of two of the expert groups set up to guide its development.”
The National Disability Awards form an important part of the Australian Government’s celebration of the United Nations’ International Day of People with Disability.
A list of the Award winners is attached. Media resources, including high-resolution images, are available at