Coalition will deliver the NDIS
The Coalition is committed to delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme in full.
The priority of the Coalition Government is to ensure the scheme is as good as it can be and is as efficient as it can be to ensure that support goes to those who need it.
It is sad to see that the Opposition has chosen to abandon the bipartisanship the Coalition has always brought to this important policy.
The Coalition has always supported the NDIS. We supported the work of the Productivity Commission, supported the legislation, supported the trial sites and supported the announced funding. Nothing has changed.
Labor should immediately cease scaremongering on this issue and using the NDIS as a political football.
Today I am chairing the COAG Council on Disability Reform with Assistant Treasurer Sinodinos. We are getting on with the job of implementing the NDIS rather than playing politics.
18 December 2013
Media contact: Lydia Bevege | 0409 792 081 | lydia.bevege