It is deeply disappointing that the Labor Party has chosen to further erode cross-party support for the NDIS.
Since its inception, the Coalition has sought to bring a bipartisan approach to the NDIS. Labor have done a great disservice to people with disability and their families by failing to do the same. Premier Giddings is instead seeking to use the NDIS as a tool to score political points.
It is of particular concern that Labor is seeking to frighten Tasmanians and mislead voters ahead of the election there in March.
The Federal Coalition is, and always has been, fully committed to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
The implementation of the NDIS is a key priority of the Abbott Government.
We will not allow Labor’s economic mismanagement to compromise important social reform like the NDIS.
It will be the Coalition, not Labor, who deliver the NDIS for Australians with disability.
The ALP must immediately cease their partisan scare-mongering. People with disability deserve better.
20 January 2014
Media contact: Lydia Bevege | 0409 792 081 | lydia.bevege