Wallaroo residents will have access to more aged care beds, with today’s opening of a new wing at Star of the Sea Home for the Aged.
At today’s official opening of the new Mary McKillop wing, Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield congratulated the organisation for its long history supporting Yorke Peninsula communities.
“For more than 30 years, Star of the Sea Home for the Aged has provided older people in and around Wallaroo with important care and support,” Senator Fifield said.
“By providing a safe home for an extra 17 people with dementia, on top of the facility’s 32 current places, Star of the Sea is helping meet the region’s growing demand for residential care, particularly for people with dementia.”
Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey MP, said that having extra places in a growing area like the Copper Coast will enable more people to stay close to their family and community.
“The extra $1.1 million in residential care subsidies that will now flow from the Commonwealth each year for the 16 new residential care places in Wallaroo, on top of the funding already received for existing residential places, is a great investment in our region.”
“The Australian Government also committed a $1.4 million grant towards the construction of the new Mary MacKillop Wing.”
“And we provide Star of the Sea with almost $164,000 each year for 12 Home Care Packages to support people in their own homes and communities, enabling them to remain at home for longer,” Mr Ramsey said.
Senator Fifield said the Australian Government was taking the lead in implementing reforms to the aged care system to keep up with future growth in demand.
“Over the next 10 years, reforms will help make our aged care system more efficient and flexible, better coordinated and consistent, and easier to navigate,” Senator Fifield said.
“We’re building a system that will offer choice and flexibility for consumers, and put control back into their hands, with more support at home to enable people to stay in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.”
“And there will be less paperwork and red tape, more consistency, and easier reporting and planning, so service providers have more time to focus on caring for older Australians.”