28 November 2014
NDIS Quarterly Report released
National Disability Insurance Scheme trials sites are demonstrating strong progress as more and more Australians with disabilities receive the support they need through NDIS packages.
The latest quarterly figures include an update on the new trial sites in Australian Capital Territory, the Barkly region of the Northern Territory and the Perth Hills in Western Australia, which commenced on 1 July 2014. The trial of the WA State Government’s NDIS My Way model also started on 1 July 2014 in the Lower South West of Western Australia.
These new sites joined existing trial sites in the Hunter in New South Wales, the Barwon region in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, which commenced in July 2013.
The key points from the Report include, as at September this year:
8,880 people with disabilities had an approved NDIS plan, at a total cost of $395.3 million. This represents 77% of the bilateral targets, holding steady since the last quarterly report.
The cost of the average packages (excluding Stockton Centre residents) is $35,207. This is a slight increase on the previous quarter, but remains below the expected full scheme average of $36,750.
The average length of time from application to commencement of services remains steady since the last quarterly report at 95 days.
Participant satisfaction levels remain very high.
The trial sites are continuing to provide valuable insights to the National Disability Insurance Agency and all levels of government that will help inform the full scheme rollout.
The Australian Government is committed to delivering the NDIS in full. We continue to work closely with the states and territories and will commence negotiations in 2015 on transition to full scheme.
The September 2014 Quarterly Report to the COAG Disability Reform Council on the National Disability Insurance Scheme is available online at http://www.ndis.gov.au/document/754.
Media contact: Lydia Paterson | 0409 792 081 | lydia.paterson@dss.gov.au