23 February 2015
The Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, today announced the membership of the Aged Care Quality Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council will provide advice to the Australian Government and the Aged Care Quality Agency on its functions and operations.
As well as its essential focus on safety and compliance, the Advisory Council will also provide advice on how to broaden the quality agenda to incorporate consumer expectations in aged care services.
“The work of the Advisory Council will further strengthen the existing quality assurance framework for aged care services across the country,” Minister Fifield said.
“But I want it to also look at quality in terms of what older Australians expect from the aged care sector.
“Led by Andrea Coote as chair, the members come with a wealth of knowledge and experience.”
“The Advisory Council has a strong representation across the aged care industry from both service provider and consumer perspectives, as well as extensive experience in clinical care of older Australians,” Minister Fifield said.
The members of the Advisory Council also reflect the changing nature of the aged care sector and bring innovation in a range of areas.
“As we move to a more consumer-driven system of aged care, it’s important that the Government’s quality framework reflects the expectations of older Australians when it comes to the quality of care they receive,” Minister Fifield said.
“The safety and wellbeing of older Australians in aged care is critical but it is not the only aspect to consider when it comes to quality of care.”
“I want to see the sector build on strong foundations of assurances and safeguards to protect older people in their care, and then look further to how they can meet their consumers’ definition of quality beyond the baseline of safety considerations.”
The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency was established on 1 January 2014 as part of broader aged care changes, and is responsible for quality assurance across the aged care sector.
Minister Fifield said the Advisory Council will support the Quality Agency as it promotes quality aged care service delivery through a comprehensive industry accreditation and education programme.
Media contact: Lydia Paterson | 0409 792 081 | lydia.paterson@dss.gov.au
Members of the Advisory Council:
Ms Andrea Coote (Chair)
Ms Carol Bennett
Dr Matthew Cullen
Associate Professor Rosanna Capolingua
Dr Stephen Judd
Mr Paul Sadler
Mr Ian Yates
Ms Rae Lamb (ex officio)
Ms Andrea Coote served as Parliamentary Secretary for Families and Community Services in the Victorian Government between 2010 and 2014. She has also served as Shadow Minister for Ageing and Carers, and was a member of the Victorian Parliament’s inquiry into child abuse. She brings a wealth of government experience and insight into community services policy to her role as Chair of the Advisory Council.
Ms Carol Bennett is CEO of Alzheimer’s Australia. Carol has been CEO of some of Australia’s leading health organisations including the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, the Australian Rural and Remote Workforce Agencies Group and the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association.
Dr Matthew Cullen is the Managing Director of Tonic Health Media and a practicing psychiatrist. He was recently part of the Group Executive for Medibank Health Solutions, and the Deputy Chair and Director at the Schizophrenia Research Institute.
Associate Professor Rosanna Capolingua is a practicing GP and Practice Principal of Floreat Medical. She was Federal President of the AMA between 2007 and 2009 and AMA (WA) State President between 1998 and 2000.
Dr Stephen Judd has been Chief Executive of HammondCare since 1995. He has previously held Director positions on a number of bodies including Aged Care Services (NSW & ACT) and Community Council for Australia. He has written, edited and contributed to books on dementia care and aged care design.
Mr Paul Sadler is the CEO of Presbyterian Aged Care NSW & ACT. He has previously held roles at Aged & Community Services NSW & ACT. Mr Sadler also currently sits on the boards of Australian Health Institute, Australian Association of Gerontology and the Retirement Villages Advisory Council.
Mr Ian Yates AM is the Chief Executive of Council on the Ageing (COTA). Ian serves as COTA representative on the Aged Care Sector Committee, the Aged Care Financing Authority and the National Aged Care Alliance. He was a Director of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd.
Ms Rae Lamb is Australia’s Aged Care Commissioner.