Labor has betrayed workers and families in Melbourne’s South East.
Daniel Andrews’ unprecedented announcement that he’ll pay hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to not build the East West Link is crushing. Hard working Victorians are forking over money to Daniel Andrews for him not to build a road it’s madness and it’s unforgivable.
The people of the outer east and south east who suffer traffic gridlock, and are condemned to spend more time away from their families, will be deeply frustrated and upset.
The Federal Government fought hard for the people of the outer east to deliver this critical road, which must be built. We will not give up on this road and our communities that need it.
Daniel Andrews and Bill Shorten stand condemned for their opposition to this vital road and the loss of 7,000 Victorian jobs.
“We have witnessed today both State and Federal Labor deserting the people of Victoria. They have confined Victorians to everlasting traffic, they should be ashamed” said Senator Fifield
Bill Shortens opposition to the road and desertion of the people of the outer east is particularly galling given he use to spruik the importance of the road for families, and jobs.
In a formal submission while AWU Secretary Bill Shorten said:
“A new east-west link is a priority infrastructure investment and major project.”
Labor now has no major infrastructure projects ready to go in Victoria. Their recklessness in cancelling the East West Link, with no shovel ready alternative, will have a major impact on jobs and business in Victoria.
The Australian Government continues to have $3 billion on the table for the construction of this critical road.
Media Contact: James Mathias: 0437 286 074