The Australian Government is making it easier for older Australians to access the care they need to remain living in their own home through new home support assessment arrangements.
In October 2014, the Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield, announced the establishment of the My Aged Care Regional Assessment Services (RAS).
The RAS is being introduced to streamline the assessment process for older Australians seeking access to aged care supports in the home.
Today Minister Fifield announced the 13 organisations that have been selected to operate the RAS, following an open tender process.
From 1 July 2015, the RAS will be responsible for conducting face-to-face assessments of older people needing entry-level support at home.
Minister Fifield said that the assessment service, accessed through the Government’s My Aged Care website and call centre, would be standardised to help older people and their families navigate the aged care system and find suitable services in a timely manner.
“For the first time, there will be a single point of entry into the aged care system to make it easier for older people to get access to the information and services they need to continue living independently in their own homes,” Minister Fifield said.
“After contacting My Aged Care, older people will be able to meet with a My Aged Care regional assessor and talk through their current circumstances, their individual needs and goals.”
“Importantly, home support assessments will be separated from service delivery to ensure the focus is on individuals’ needs and goals,” Minister Fifield said.
The RAS will assess clients seeking to access the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), which is a $1.7 billion programme commencing from 1 July this year.
The CHSP will roll several existing home support programmes into one streamlined programme, including the Commonwealth Home and Community Care (HACC), National Respite for Carers (NRCP), Day Therapy Centres (DTCs); and Assistance with Care and Housing for the Aged (ACHA) programmes.
Selected from an open tender process, the organisations will provide full assessment coverage across the 52 planning regions in all states and territories, except Victoria and Western Australia where current state government models will continue.
Minister Fifield said that a number of specialist services and community organisations had formed consortia to offer a tailored capability to support indigenous populations, culturally and linguistically diverse populations and people with dementia.
The RAS will complement the existing Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) which undertake assessments for higher intensity home care and residential care services.
The successful organisations to deliver the RAS are:
- Access Care Network Australia Pty Ltd
- Australian Regional and Remote Community Services Limited
- Care Assessment Consultants Pty ltd
- Catholic Healthcare Limited
- Community Options Australia Incorporated
- Feros Care
- Health Administration Corporation (HAC)
- Partners 4 Health Limited
- Resthaven Incorporated
- Serendipity (WA) Pty Ltd
- Suncare Community Services Inc
- The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.)
- UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide Incorporated
Further information about the RAS is available at:
Media contact: Lydia Paterson | 0409 792 081 |