The Abbott Government has today announced the launch of a national public consultation to inform development of a new Disability Employment Framework.
A series of forums will be held around Australia to better understand what is and is not working in current disability employment programmes and what the Government can do to improve employment rates.
“Australia invests over $1 billion dollars in disability employment support but only 52.9 per cent of people with disability of working age are engaged in, or actively seeking work. We can do better,” Minister Fifield said.
“People with disability should have the same opportunities as other Australians to participate in employment and enjoy the many benefits that work brings.”
An Issues Paper has been released to encourage discussion about the current approach and the best ways to support people with disability to find long-term, meaningful employment.
“We want to hear from people with disability, their families and carers, employers and service providers so we can develop a system that works for employers as well as people with disability and get more people with disability into jobs,” Minister Fifield said.
“I encourage everyone with an interest in the employment outcomes of people with disability, to read the Issues Paper and have their say by attending a forum or making a written submission.”
The recently established Disability Employment Taskforce will work closely with stakeholders over the next six months to design the new Framework.
Go to to download the Issues Paper and to find out how you can get involved.
Media contact: Lydia Paterson | 0409 792 081 |