A process has begun to make appointments to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) Board, as the current terms of Board members expire on 30 June 2016.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is one of the largest social policy reforms in Australia’s history. This is an exciting time for the NDIS as we transition to full scheme.
The NDIA Board will play a key role in effectively managing this next phase, which includes a rapid increase from 30,000 participants in the trial sites to 460,000 participants over three years, and administering a $22 billion insurance-based scheme.
Following the successful establishment of the NDIA and the scheme’s trial sites, the next iteration of the Board requires skills from current and new members suited to the specific challenges of the transition phase.
The NDIS Act mandates that candidates must have skills, experience, or knowledge in at least one of the following fields:
disability services;
insurance schemes, compensation schemes or schemes with long-term liabilities;
financial management, or
corporate governance.
Substantial Board or CEO experience, such as in a large company or a significant Government Business Enterprise, is also desirable, along with a background that includes an understanding of disability or supporting a project or enterprise of similar scale and complexity to the NDIS.
Current Board members have been advised that they are welcome to apply. The next Board will be a combination of current and new members.
The Disability Reform Council (DRC), which includes all state and territory disability ministers, was consulted and agreed to the process to make appointments to the Board. DRC Ministers’ approval is part of the Board selection process.
I look forward to continuing to work closely with my state and territory colleagues as we progress the Board appointments and deliver an NDIS that stands the tests of time.
Media contact: Vincent Tulley | 0409 244 865 | Vincent.tulley@dss.gov.au