Member for Dobel
A wave of superfast broadband connections is about to hit the Central Coast as nbn makes services available to more than 20,000 homes and businesses over the next four weeks.
Communications Minister, Senator Mitch Fifield, and Member for Dobell, Karen McNamara, visited Telstra’s Gorokan Exchange today to mark the official launch of Telstra’s retail broadband plans over the nbn fibre-to-the-node network. Other retailers such as iiNet have also begun selling services. The nbn rollout is gathering pace with more than 8,200 homes and businesses in Gorokan and Belmont now able to order a service on the nbn FTTN network. Tens of thousands of homes and businesses will be able to connect to superfast speeds of greater than 50 megabits per second before Christmas. By using the existing copper infrastructure running into homes, nbn can quickly build out the network, saving on construction costs and reducing the time residents must wait for broadband upgrades. The first commercial FTTN services were connected at Belmont in New South Wales last month and already many users are enjoying superfast broadband and a simple connection process. Under the Coalition Government’s broadband policy, nbn has shaved years off construction time while still delivering superfast broadband to more than nine million premises nationwide over the next three years. The Central Coast and Hunter regions are the first to gain access to the FTTN-based network. nbn is working with delivery partners to recruit and train workers to build and operate the network in coming years. Today nbn has launched a campaign to encourage school-leavers to consider a career in telecommunications construction and maintenance. The current nbn construction workforce is expected to double to 9000 jobs over the next few years. nbn’s FTTN services will deliver maximum wholesale speeds to retail services providers of up to 100Mbps (download) and up to 40Mbps (upload). Find out more about what’s involved in getting connected on the nbn website: www.nbnco.com.au/