16 December 2015
The nbn rollout achieved yet another milestone this week, with the first 1,000 homes connected to the Fibre-to-the-Node (FTTN) network in just 51 days since its launch.
In comparison, under the previous Labor Government, the first 1,000 homes took more than 15 months to connect to the Fibre-to-the-Premises network.
Unlike the Fibre-To-The-Premises rollout under Labor, which was plagued by delays because of construction complexity, the Coalition’s multi-technology mix largely removes the need for in-home rewiring or civil works on private property.
The nbn network in which FTTN plays a vital role – is essential for Australia’s digital evolution. Everyone will benefit from faster, more reliable internet connections, no matter how many people within the household are using it – using the broadband network to be more productive, more creative, more efficient and more connected for years to come.
nbn’s faster and more reliable broadband also means businesses such as Hunter Water Sports, a kayak and water sport accessories retailer in Newcastle, enjoys a seamless switch-over to the nbn network.
See James Kilpatrick of Hunter Water Sports talking about his nbn broadband service here – http://www.nbnco.com.au/blog/making-a-splash-hunter-water-sports-rides-the-broadband-wave.html
From February 2016, nbn is aiming to offer faster broadband to between 60,000 and 100,000 premises each month on the FTTN network. The only additional equipment required is a modem suitable for the super-speed vectored VDSL which internet providers can send to their customers on request for free.