4 April 2016
After two and half years in Opposition, Labor still do not have an nbn policy and appear to be preparing to backflip from their long held position.
While Labor have been campaigning in support of fibre to the premise (FTTP), recent public comments by Shadow Minister for Communications Jason Clare appear to be an attempt to ‘soften up’ the public for a change in approach and a shift to using copper.
Since its time in Opposition, Labor have consistently campaigned against anything other than fibre to the premise, and continually criticised any use of copper.
Yet, recently on Sky News (AM Agenda, 16 March 2016), Labor signalled its support for fibre to the distribution point (FTTdp), which requires the use of the existing copper network to enter the premise.
KIERAN GILBERT: It seems a no brainer to me, listening to your argument this morning that you would adopt Fibre-to-the-Distribution-Point.
JASON CLARE: I have said that Labor will rollout more fibre. We’ll announce our policy closer to the election.
Labor’s position is now looking more like a backflip and in favour of the Coalition’s NBN multi technology mix, which allows the use of FTTdp and skinny fibre.
Under the former Labor Government, the nbn was the most poorly managed infrastructure project in Australia’s history. In Opposition, Labor’s been lazy on nbn policy, and careless with the facts.
In four years, Labor spent more than $6 billion to connect 50,000 users.
Since the Coalition took over the project in late 2013, we have connected close to 900,000 users and the nbn is available to more than 1.9 million homes and businesses.
The choice is clear, only the Coalition will deliver fast, affordable nbn broadband sooner to all Australians.