6 May 2016
The Department of Communications and the Arts has released the draft report on the review of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
The review, announced by the former Communications Minister in June 2015, has examined the objectives, structure, and operation of the ACMA. The draft report proposes a series of reforms to better position the ACMA to address the needs in a rapidly evolving communications market.
The draft report finds the ACMA has generally performed well in its role. However, the growing complexity and diversity of the sector requires enabling the regulator to be more agile, transparent and market-oriented and sets out a series of recommendations to support the achievement of this objective.
The draft report also looks ahead and proposes a framework to guide the next phase of regulatory reform in the communications sector.
The Government strongly encourages all interested stakeholders to participate in the Department’s consultation on the draft report.
The Department is seeking comments on the draft report by 10 June 2016 and the report is available at www.communications.gov.au/have-your-say/acma-review-draft-report.