nbn reaches 3 million homes and businesses
17 August 2016
The National Broadband Network rollout has hit another major milestone and is now available to more than 3 million homes and business across Australia.
This latest milestone shows that the Coalition’s multi-technology mix nbn rollout is the fastest, most affordable way to ensure all Australians can access high-speed broadband.
Rolling out the nbn to more homes and businesses as quickly as possible will boost productivity and provide a platform for innovation to ensure the economic and social benefits of the internet are available to all Australians.
The development of digital technologies has reduced business costs, changed the way we study and learn, and created new ways to engage socially online.
Today, one in every four Australian homes and businesses are able to order an nbn service, opening up a wealth of new opportunities for education, economic growth and entertainment.
When the Coalition came into government in 2013, just 300,000 premises across Australia were able to purchase an nbn service. Since then, rollout progress has dramatically increased the nbn was made available to 1 million premises by June 2015, then 2 million premises by April 2016. Now the nbn is available to 3 million premises and will continue to gather pace.
Under the Coalition, the nbn is ahead of schedule and on-budget, and is on track to be available to 5.4 million premises by 30 June 2017 and over 9 million premises by 30 June 2018.
In just over a year from now, almost half of all homes and businesses in Australia will be able to order an nbn service, and less than a year later that figure will increase to three-quarters of Australian homes and businesses.
The nbn is now connecting more active premises every month than the previous government connected in four years.
There are now over 1.2 million premises with an active nbn service up from just 51,000 connected to the built network at the time of the 2013 election.