6 September 2016
This week, hundreds of schools and libraries across Australia will participate in National eSmart Week an initiative to encourage cyber safety and digital inclusion.
Over 2,200 schools and almost half of Australia’s public libraries are registered as eSmart, playing an important role in helping to reduce cyberbullying, improve cyber safety and educate students and citizens on the safe and responsible use of technology.
Throughout National eSmart Week, schools and libraries will showcase their commitment to cyber safety and take part in events hosted around Australia.
In support of National eSmart Week, the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner will host a number of webinars to help schools and libraries tackle cyberbullying.
The Government established the office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner to help protect Australian children from cyberbullying, and to take a national leadership role in online safety.
Since it began operation just over 12 months ago, the office has educated more than 130,000 people via Virtual Classrooms and face-to-face presentations, and conducted over 11,000 investigations into illegal or offensive online content including 186 serious cyberbullying complaints.
A full calendar of events for National eSmart Week and information on how to register your school or library as eSmart can be found at www.esmart.org.au/news-events/national-esmart-week/
The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner has a range of online safety resources available at www.esafety.gov.au