5 April 2017
The Coalition’s National Broadband Network has now connected more than two million Australian homes and businesses to fast and affordable broadband – compared to only 51,000 active connections after two terms of Labor Government.
The achievement demonstrates that the Coalition Government is delivering on its commitment to give all Australians the benefit of fast broadband on the network as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.
Under this Government, nbn has hit every rollout target and financial target set since coming into Government – in contrast to Labor, which missed every single rollout target they set for themselves.
nbn is now connecting more than 6,500 premises every business day and the rollout is continuing to accelerate. Nearly 4.5 million homes and businesses are now able to order a service, and the rollout is on track to reach the halfway mark in the middle of this year.
The network will further expand to nine million homes by June next year and is on track to be completed by 2020, at least six years ahead of Labor’s alternative plan.
The Coalition’s reforms to the nbn rollout have avoided Labor’s gold-plating that would have seen home internet bills increase by up to $500 a year.
The nbn provides a platform that will boost productivity and ensure all Australians can embrace the benefits of high-speed broadband.
Consumers also have choice on the network, with over 150 retail service providers around Australia now offering broadband plans powered by nbn’s network.
For maps and information about where the nbn is available go to: www.nbnco.com.au