28 June 2017
The Turnbull Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Holly Kramer as Deputy Chair, and Mr Paul Scurrah and Ms Deidre Willmott as new part-time non-executive directors of the Australia Post board, each for a term of three years. These appointments fill the board, and ensure it has a broad range of skills and expertise to steer the organisation during a critical period.
Ms Kramer has been serving as the acting Deputy Chair of Australia Post and her appointment will support continuity on the board. Her expertise in retail and technology, including as the former CEO of Best & Less, will support an ongoing customer focus.
Mr Scurrah is the CEO of DP World Australia, a leading Australian container terminal stevedore company. He will bring to the board strong experience in large scale logistics and transport.
Ms Willmott brings organisational transformation, government relations and business expertise to this position. She is the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia and formerly held senior roles with Fortescue Metals and as Chief of Staff to the Premier of Western Australia.
These appointments will significantly improve the gender and geographic diversity of the board. Five of the nine directors will be female, the first time that Australia Post’s board will be majority female.
The Ministers congratulate Ms Kramer, Mr Scurrah and Ms Willmott on their appointments.