Media Industry Event
Parliament House
31 May 2017
E & OE
Well thanks very much Kochie and I’ve got to say friends, this is much more fun than State of Origin isn’t it!? (laughs)
At the outset, can I thank the leaders of Australia’s media industry for looking beyond their own legitimate organisational interests to the broader interests and health of the Australian media sector.
This coming together and speaking with one voice is a testament I think to the quality of the leadership of the Australian media industry.
But it’s also a testament to the shared challenges that the industry faces and that’s why the package that we’re putting forward is unabashedly pro-Australian media.
This package is all about supporting the longevity and the viability of Australian media and making sure that we continue to have strong Australian voices in our media.
Can I particularly thank the Prime Minister for his long-standing leadership in this area and commitment to reform. And also to thank the Treasurer for his support for this venture through the Budget process.
And I know that I speak on behalf of all of my Parliamentary colleagues here when I say that we don’t always agree with what you write and print and stream and broadcast and blog and post. But we do recognise that strong Australian media is one of the important underpinnings of our democracy.
So, the Government has done its part in pulling media reform out of the long grass and putting it on the agenda of the national Parliament.
The media industry has done its part in working with us to craft this package and getting behind it and speaking with one united voice.
Now, it’s the time for the Parliament to do its part, and to seize this historic opportunity to provide support for the Australian media industry to ensure that those strong voices continue.
Now this is an area that should easily be above the partisan fray.
But can I say to all of you here tonight. If the Australian media industry can come together, then there’s absolutely no reason why the Australian Senate can’t come together and support this package.
Thanks very much.