11 August 2017
The Government has reappointed the Deputy Director and three members of the Classification Board.
Ms Margaret Anderson has four years’ experience as Deputy Director and has been reappointed until 24 July 2020.
Full-time members, Mr Jarrah Rushton has been reappointed until 20 August 2020, Ms Alison Bickerstaff until 20 August 2019 and Mr Ron Delezio until 20 August 2018. Each member has three years’ experience on the Board.
These reappointments will ensure the Classification Board has sufficient ongoing capacity and experienced management to address current and expected workloads.
The Classification Board is responsible for classifying films, computer games and some publications under the National Classification Scheme. The Board also classifies some internet content referred by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
Members of the Board are chosen to be broadly representative of the Australian community. In making classification decisions, Board members are required to apply the relevant law and guidelines to reflect community standards as objectively as possible.
For more information about the Classification Board visit: www.classification.gov.au/About/Pages/Classification-Board.aspx