Media Release – World Sight Day 2010
14 October 2010 WORLD SIGHT DAY 2010 The Shadow Minister for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Mitch Fifield, today welcomed the opportunity to raise awareness about eye health…
14 October 2010 WORLD SIGHT DAY 2010 The Shadow Minister for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Mitch Fifield, today welcomed the opportunity to raise awareness about eye health…
Lion FM The Daily News With Ralph Zwier and Ronit Fraid 13 October 2010 5:40pm E & OE Subjects: Gilad Shalit, Israel RONIT FRAID: Recently Senator Mitch Fifield stood…
Sky News AM Agenda Ashleigh Gillon and Senator The Hon Kate Lundy 11 October 2010 8:40am E & OE Subjects: Afghanistan visit, election costings, NT Intervention, the Australian dollar…
Goldstein NewsSetpember-October 2010 The Labor/Greens Alliance – an incompetent, unstable government After the longest election, Australia has been left with a government that although having constitutional and parliamentary legitimacy lacks…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria-Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate) -I also rise to contribute to the debate on the address-in-reply to the Governor-General’s speech to open the parliament. It pains…
29 September 2010 GOVERNMENT DISREGARD FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The Gillard Government today demonstrated disrespect for people with a disability and their carers. Today in Senate Question Time the Minister…
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria-Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate)- As we enter the fifth year of the captivity of Gilad Shalit at the hands of his Hamas tormenters, we cannot…
Sky News AM Agenda Kieran Gilbert and Senator The Hon Kate Lundy 27 September 2010 8:40am E & OE Subjects: Carbon tax committee, parliamentary reform, Mr Tony Crook, Commonwealth…
ABC TV News Breakfast Michael Rowland & Mary Gearin 15 September 2010 7am E & OE Subjects: Coalition frontbench, disabilities portfolio MICHAEL ROWLAND: Now the Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has…
14 September 2010 Appointment as Shadow Minister / Manager of Opposition Business I am delighted to have today been promoted to the role of Shadow Minister for Disabilities, Carers and…