6 May 2016
The Government has announced the re-appointments Jane Hemstritch and the appointment of Professor Kent Anderson, Janet Hirst, Alice Wong and Douglas Snedden to the Council of the National Library of Australia for three-year terms.
Ms Hemstritch was appointed to the Council in July 2010 and since that time, she has assessed and improved the quality of the Library’s financial performance and controls. She is Chair of the Library’s Audit Committee and a member of the Governance Committee. She is also a Non-Executive Director of Tabcorp Holdings Ltd, Chairman of the Victorian Opera Company, Director of The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, a Non-Executive Director of Lend Lease and a Non-Executive Member of the Global Council of Herbert Smith Freehills.
Professor Anderson brings strategic knowledge of the research and tertiary sector and in-depth knowledge of Asia. He is an international lawyer and academic specialising in Asian legal systems, as well as the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Community and Engagement) at the University of Western Australia.
Ms Hirst brings experience in senior regional government policy roles. She was Chief Executive Officer of The Ian Potter Foundation, one of Australia’s leading philanthropic foundations for ten years and was a Council Member of Philanthropy Australia. Ms Hirst played a key role in establishing the Deputy Prime Minister’s Regional Women’s Advisory Council and was a member of the Regional Australia Summit Steering Committee.
Ms Wong has almost 40 years of banking experience and brings a unique understanding of both Asian and Australian business, economies and trade. Ms Wong has been a member of the Prime Minister’s Reference Group for the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools program.
Mr Snedden has been a member of the National Library of Australia Foundation since 2013. He has spent 30 years in the consulting industry with Accenture where he was the Australia and New Zealand Managing Director. Mr Snedden has served on the boards of a number of public companies and community organisations and is Chairman of Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and Odyssey House.
For more information about the Council and the National Library of Australia visit www.nla.gov.au