13 June 2016 Today’s announcement is ground hog day with the NBN Labor are again promising ‘free’ technology upgrades, this time around 2 million Australians will apparently get fibre-to…
13 June 2016 Today’s announcement is ground hog day with the NBN Labor are again promising ‘free’ technology upgrades, this time around 2 million Australians will apparently get fibre-to…
11 June 2016 Major towns on Tasmania’s West Coast will receive superfast broadband over fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) technology or the fixed wireless network following an $18.5 million commitment announced today. Brett…
MR ERIC HUTCHINSON MPFEDERAL MEMBER FOR LYONS 5 June 2016 Mountain Bike enthusiasts, as well as businesses and residents in the Meander Valley and Latrobe-Kentish areas, will benefit from a…
MR JULIAN LEESER, LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR BEROWRA 6 June 2016 Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield today joined Liberal candidate for Berowra Julian Leeser to announce improved mobile phone coverage for…
MR JULIAN LEESER, LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR BEROWRA 6 June 2016 nbn construction work has begun in the electorate of Berowra, as the Turnbull Coalition Team delivers on another milestone,…
3 June 2016 Labor’s National Broadband Network (NBN) would have taken six to eight years longer to rollout across Australia, leaving businesses waiting longer for superfast broadband. Labor’s anti-business stance…
RUSSELL BROADBENT MP, MEMBER FOR McMILLAN JASON WOOD MP, MEMBER FOR LA TROBE 2 June 2016 Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield, Member for McMillan Russell Broadbent MP and Member for…
THE HON. SUSSAN LEY MP, MINISTER FOR HEALTH, MINISTER FOR AGED CARE, MINISTER FOR SPORT 30 May 2016 If Labor was serious about increasing the exposure of women’s sport, they would…
LOUISE MARKUS MP, MEMBER FOR MACQUARIE 27 May 2016 Member for Macquarie Louise Markus and the Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield today announced that the Megalong Valley is set to…
LOUISE MARKUS MP LIBERAL MEMBER FOR MACQUARIE 27 May 2016 Around 4,300 premises in Blackheath and Mount Victoria are a step closer to getting access to the National Broadband Network,…