2nd Reading – Private Health Insurance
Senator FIFIELD (Victoria) (7.39 pm)-At the outset, I would like to share a story with you, Madam Acting Deputy President Moore. I was talking to a primary school teacher a…
DetailsSenator FIFIELD (Victoria) (7.39 pm)-At the outset, I would like to share a story with you, Madam Acting Deputy President Moore. I was talking to a primary school teacher a…
Details17 February 2010 FIFIELD SEES OFF EXTREME ROLLERS Senator Mitch Fifield, the Coalition’s spokesman for Disabilities, today farewelled Andreas Dagelet and Dale Elliot, two paraplegic athletes who are handcycling from…
DetailsTranscript of Senator Mitch Fifield Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector Sky News AM Agenda Ashleigh Gillon and Senator the Hon Nick Sherry 15 February…
Details15 February 2010 DISABILITY CARE BEDS CONCERNS AIRED Senator Mitch Fifield, the Coalition’s spokesman for Disabilities, today expressed concern at reports on the progress of the Rudd Government’s $100 million…
DetailsSECRET BALLOT IN 2010: NO GUARANTEE Special Minister of State, Joe Ludwig, today confirmed in Senate Estimates that Australians who are blind or vision impaired are not guaranteed a secret…
Details4 February 2010 EVANS CONTRADICTS RUDD ON CARBON COSTS Senator Chris Evans, Leader of the Government in the Senate, today contradicted the Prime Minister on the cost to taxpayers from…
DetailsEmissions Trading Scheme Senator FIFIELD (2.14 pm)-My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Evans. Minister, will the impact of the government’s ETS on prices be a…
DetailsTranscript of Senator Mitch Fifield Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector Sky News AM Agenda Kieran Gilbert and the Hon Mark Butler MP 1 February…
DetailsTranscript of Senator Mitch Fifield Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector Sky News AM Agenda Ashleigh Gillon and the Hon Jason Clare MP 14 December…
Details8 December 2009 FIFIELD WELCOMES REAPPOINTMENT Senator Mitch Fifield today welcomed his reappointment as Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. Senator…